Parks and Facililties

Parks and Facilities

The Department of Parks is in charge of designing, creating, maintaining, and repairing the city’s new and existing parks, playgrounds, green spaces, facilities, and buildings.

The city now owns and manages 120 parks totaling 1,809 acres of park and open space. There are 211 buildings totaling 3.67 million square feet of building space.

The Parks Department is divided into ten specialist divisions:

  • Administration
  • Construction
  • Capital Projects
  • Electrical
  • Grounds Maintenance
  • Facilities Maintenance
  • Horticulture
  • Keep Charleston Beautiful
  • Joe Riley BallPark
  • Urban Forestry

Charleston SC Park and Recreation Board

823 Meeting Street
Charleston, SC 29402

Phone: 843-724-7321
Fax: 843-579-7692

For more information on Parks and Recreation visit here.


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