A new feature film shot in Charleston, titled “The Late Game,” follows the story of a rusty hockey player who joins an amateur “beer league” hockey team for a late-night match. The film’s protagonist, Riley (played by Alec Reusch), finds himself nursing post-breakup wounds when he reconnects with an old acquaintance known as “Proton” (Matthew Archie Starling). Proton invites Riley to join his beer league hockey team, sponsored by Polly’s Pies, for a night of hockey at the Carolina Ice Palace. What unfolds is a heartwarming indie comedy filled with hockey action, male bonding, and relatable characters.
“The Late Game” is the brainchild of Charleston natives and childhood friends, Jeffrey Zucker and Jeff Tyner. The duo spent three years developing the script, with Tyner making his directorial debut while Zucker served as the lead producer and also acted in the film. Tyner, speaking from Denver, revealed that the project had been a long-awaited dream since his college days.
Tyner and Zucker’s friendship dates back to their high school days when they bonded over hockey. Despite pursuing different paths after high school, their shared love for the sport kept them connected. Tyner’s background in film school and sports production, coupled with Zucker’s entrepreneurial ventures, eventually led them to collaborate on making a movie.
After facing setbacks and delays, including the COVID-19 shutdown, Tyner and Zucker seized the opportunity to bring their movie concept to life. The cast of “The Late Game” includes local talent both in front of and behind the camera, with notable appearances by key figures from the hockey community.
While the film explores themes of friendship and personal growth, Tyner emphasized that at its core, “The Late Game” is a tribute to the sport of hockey. Drawing inspiration from iconic hockey movies like “Miracle,” Tyner aimed to portray the sport authentically and capture the essence of beer league hockey—a sentiment he believes will resonate with hockey enthusiasts.
Tyner expressed his passion for creating a film that accurately reflects the sport he loves and hopes that audiences, particularly those in the hockey community, will connect with the story and characters depicted in the movie.
To watch “The Late Game” and learn more about the film, viewers can check out the official trailer and visit the film’s website. The movie is set to be available on streaming platforms and in theaters across the United States, showcasing the result of Tyner and Zucker’s dedication and creative vision.
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